Planarly tables are composed of cells that can contain a handful of primitive types. These primitive types are:


Boolean values can only take the values of True or False. They are both constants and reserved words.


This is a special value that denotes that a cell is empty. As shown below, it can be used explicitly to create empty cells.

The value Blank can also be used to filter cells before further operations.

In the first image above, you can see that Blank can be used in basic numerical and string operations. For numerical operations, Blank acts similar to 0, but not exactly:

X + Blank = X (similar to X + 0)

X - Blank = X

Blank - X = -X

X * Blank = Blank

X / Blank results in an error.

In string concatenation, Blank is treated as an empty string. In the first image you can see a portion of the formula "A" + Blank + "B" evaluates to AB in the first cell of row 2.


Planarly supports integers in the approximate range of ±10^18.

Floating point numbers