Active cell is moved into Twit
<aside> ☝ steps through cells inside as if they are in the sheet itself.
Edit cell within a twit
Rectangular selection
☝ select cells in and out of twit
as if they are in the sheet itself
☝ when selection started outside, intersects twit
- sizes in that twit
are temporarily reset to defaults
Column selection - same as rectangular selection
Select twit
☝ Simply draw rectangular selection exactly matching twit
☝ ? Click on the twit
border shown on twit
? Context menu ⇒ Select twit of this cell
Resize column
Resizing should be limited within twit
☝ stop resizer at twit
Snapping to 1/4 width (25px) increment
Double click on resizer - resize to fit content OR resize to default size (100 / 32px)
Move (d&d) twit
☝ as twit
is defined inside cells - this is no different from moving selection (copy/paste)
over top row of parent twit
sharing parent's columntwit
doesn't fit screentwit