<aside> 💡 Key concepts in this tutorial: referencing other sheets; JSON; ApexChart.
In the last chapter we talked about Planarly applying decades of software engineering thinking to the world of forms, redefining the concept of spreadsheet:
copy/paste is evil
everything is a table (including functions, etc)
you can see the state.
We introduced the use of a single-page sheet in the previous chapter. In this chapter, we will take a look at a multi-page sheet and focus on the functions of quoting and charts between multi-page sheets. Here you will see:
-All content are based on the concept of tables
-Apex charting by Json format
-Simple module and combination of Planarly.
This section will use
Scenario setting: As a financial consultant, you need to help a client analyze his financial situation. The client’s situation is as follows: Born in 1983, the current income in 2021 is $30,000, and the expected annual income will increase by 3% every year. The expected other income is $50,000 every year after the age of 55 from CPF (pension/retirement fund) and some uncertain income from lottery winnings.
The current expenditure in 2021 is $20,000 and this annual expenditure is expected to increase by 2% in the future. Other expected expenses include the cost of one child going to college in 10 years, and the cost of another child going to college in 12 years, at an annual cost of $5,000 for a total of 4 years. Medical expenditure is estimated to be $5,000 per year at the age of 50, and it will increase by 2% every year thereafter.
You can follow a long with this tutorial by opening the sheet Personal Financial Analysis.
For the first step in turning the scenario details into a sheet model, we place all of the user’s basic information in the setting sheet, as shown in the figure below.